Thursday, June 13, 2024

Columbus Tower/Trimsheet Study Schedule


Columbus Tower Environment Schedule

Week 1: Block-out

  1. Camera reference match
  2. 95% of what the game res will be needs to be completed

  • Most of the environment will be created with a mid-poly workflow in mind
  • Modular Pieces to be accounted for
  • Pieces that are going to be modular need to be finished as well

  1. Set up of trim sheet layout that will go with the environment pieces

  • Model Trim sheet
  • Make sure I have what I need for each material separated and marked down in the trim sheet block out

  1. First Pass lighting in Unreal

Week 2: High-res

  1. Trim sheet is the focus this week

  • Sculpt all the detail needed
  • Take my time putting the detail

  1. Necessary Retopology
  2. Baked Meshes for Trimsheet
  3. Texturing for Trimsheet
  4. Solidify the trim sheet-able meshes to be easily UVd once the trim sheet is finished
  5. Second Lighting Pass

Week 3: Finished Baking and Beginning Texturing

  1. Finished Textures for Trim sheet
  2. Begin applying the Trim sheet to the pieces I set aside for it

  • Modeling on from the trim sheet to get other details that may have been missed
  • Applying morphs to the trim sheet meshes to get rounded corners from  the reference

  1. Third Lighting Pass

Week 4: Final Pass (Last Minute Changes)

  1. Any missed part from the last two weeks are accounted for
  2. Final Lighting Pass

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Columbus Tower: Week 2