Monday, November 13, 2023

Week 4: Cannon


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Brother homie, your second and third shot look so phenomenal, start with that! Your first shot is missing a lot of that detail so start with those detail shots!

  3. I love all the details. Lovely work!!!!

  4. Yo! This is really good! The detail work on the dragon and wheels is very impressive. The wood detail is a bit faint and could use a little more depth but great work over all!

  5. Super impressive sculpt. I can't even fathom how you did some of this stuff. My only critique could maybe be to break up the perfect sculpt if you wanted to add scratches or dents?

  6. Wow this is awesome, so much detail! I think the only thing I'm noticing is the spokes of the wheels look a little plain in comparison to everything else, I'd recommend giving a little more texture to these elements.

  7. Dude I have 0 critiques, this is AMAZING, your sculpt is crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  8. your grass is clipping through the floor!!!! lol (but srsly tho the dragon head rocks!)

  9. Looking really good. The wheels also have a great amount details. I think the face is the best of all. Really great job man! You can work a bit more on the wood that's supporting the cannon.

  10. This looks great! Everything is stunning.

  11. Nice work! 10/10! Maybe working on the render quality of the shadows?


Rubble Week 4

  Rubble Assets Material Ball Render